Cell-type-specific profiling of brain mitochondria reveals functional and molecular diversity

Mitochondria vary in morphology and function in different tissues, however little is known about their molecular diversity among cell types. To investigate mitochondrial diversity in vivo, we developed an efficient protocol to isolate cell type-specific mitochondria based on a new MitoTag mouse. We profiled the mitochondrial proteome of three major neural cell types in cerebellum and identified a substantial number of differential mitochondrial markers for these cell types in mice and humans. Based on predictions from these proteomes, we demonstrate that astrocytic mitochondria metabolize long-chain fatty acids more efficiently than neurons. Moreover, we identified Rmdn3 as a major determinant of ER-mitochondria proximity in Purkinje cells. Our novel approach enables exploring mitochondrial diversity on the functional and molecular level in many in vivo contexts.

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Projects: SyNergy - published datasets

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Created: 8th Jul 2024 at 09:42

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