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Joined: 18th Dec 2024
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Neurological diseases are on the rise – and as societies age, they affect an ever-increasing number of people, not only in Europe, but worldwide.
The Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy) investigates how complex neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and multiple sclerosis develop. Even though these diseases differ in their clinical manifestations, overlapping mechanisms are involved in their development. For example, the immune system gets activated in dementia, ...
Projects: SyNergy: Published Datasets, SyNergy: Unpublished Datasets
Web page:
This project serves as a centralized repository for unpublished omics datasets from ongoing research led by SyNergy group leaders. It includes sample metadata and assay information for studies currently in progress, grouped under investigations such as proteomics and transcriptomics. The project aims to facilitate collaboration and data management within the cluster while maintaining confidentiality for unpublished work.
To explore investigations and their associated studies in more detail, please ...
Programme: Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, Macaca mulatta, Sus scrofa, Danio rerio
This project serves as a centralized repository for omics datasets published by research groups within the SyNergy Cluster. It encompasses investigations such as proteomics and transcriptomics, which are further divided into individual studies led by SyNergy members. Each study is linked to relevant publications, assays and data files (with links to external repositories).
To explore investigations and their associated studies in more detail, please visit the 'Related items' tab on the Project ...
Programme: Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, Macaca mulatta, Sus scrofa, Danio rerio
Loss-of-function mutations in CLN3 cause juvenile Batten disease, featuring neurodegeneration and early-stage neuroinflammation. How loss of CLN3 function leads to early neuroinflammation is not yet understood. Here, we have comprehensively studied microglia from Cln3∆ex7/8 mice, a genetically accurate disease model. Loss of CLN3 function in microglia leads to lysosomal storage material accumulation and abnormal morphology of subcellular organelles. Moreover, pathological proteomic signatures are ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 19 (USP19) is a unique deubiquitinase, characterized by multiple variants generated by alternative splicing. Several variants bear a C-terminal transmembrane domain that anchors them to the endoplasmic reticulum. Other than regulating protein stability by preventing proteasome degradation, USP19 has been reported to rescue substrates from endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation in a catalytic-independent manner, promote autophagy, and address ...
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Ectodomain shedding, which is the proteolytic release of transmembrane proteins from the cell surface, is crucial for cell-to-cell communication and other biological processes. The metalloproteinase ADAM17 mediates ectodomain shedding of over 50 transmembrane proteins ranging from cytokines and growth factors, such as TNF and EGFR ligands, to signalling receptors and adhesion molecules. Yet, the ADAM17 sheddome is only partly defined and biological functions of the protease have not been fully ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Proteins delivered by endocytosis or autophagy to lysosomes are degraded by exo- and endoproteases. In humans 15 lysosomal cathepsins (CTS) act as important physiological regulators. The cysteine proteases CTSB and CTSL and the aspartic protease CTSD are the most abundant and functional important lysosomal proteinases. Whereas their general functions in proteolysis in the lysosome, their individual substrate, cleavage specificity, and their possible sequential action on substrate proteins have ...
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Loss-of-function mutations in the homotrimeric serine protease HTRA1 cause cerebral vasculopathy. Here, we establish independent approaches to achieve the functional correction of trimer assembly defects. Focusing on the prototypical R274Q mutation, we identify an HTRA1 variant that promotes trimer formation thus restoring enzymatic activity in vitro. Genetic experiments in Htra1R274Q mice further demonstrate that expression of this protein-based corrector in trans is sufficient to stabilize ...
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Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Seda Yasa, Elisabeth S Butz, Alessio Colombo, Uma Chandrachud, Luca Montore, Sarah Tschirner, Matthias Prestel, Steven D Sheridan, Stephan A Müller, Janos Groh, Stefan F Lichtenthaler, Sabina Tahirovic, Susan L Cotman
Date Published: 22nd Oct 2024
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Simone Bonelli, Margot Lo Pinto, Yihong Ye, Stephan A Müller, Stefan F Lichtenthaler, Simone Dario Scilabra
Date Published: 9th Oct 2024
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 39389361
DOI: 10.1016/j.mcpro.2024.100854
Citation: Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP,23(11):100854
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Matteo Calligaris, Donatella Pia Spanò, Maria Chiara Puccio, Stephan A Müller, Simone Bonelli, Margot Lo Pinto, Giovanni Zito, Carl P Blobel, Stefan F Lichtenthaler, Linda Troeberg, Simone Dario Scilabra
Date Published: 24th Sep 2024
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Nathalie Beaufort, Linda Ingendahl, Melisa Merdanovic, Andree Schmidt, David Podlesainski, Tim Richter, Thorben Neumann, Michael Kuszner, Ingrid R Vetter, Patricia Stege, Steven G Burston, Anto Filipovic, Yasser B Ruiz-Blanco, Kenny Bravo-Rodriguez, Joel Mieres-Perez, Christine Beuck, Stephan Uebel, Monika Zobawa, Jasmin Schillinger, Rainer Malik, Katalin Todorov-Völgyi, Juliana Rey, Annabell Roberti, Birte Hagemeier, Benedikt Wefers, Stephan A Müller, Wolfgang Wurst, Elsa Sanchez-Garcia, Alexander Zimmermann, Xiao-Yu Hu, Tim Clausen, Robert Huber, Stefan F Lichtenthaler, Carsten Schmuck, Michael Giese, Markus Kaiser, Michael Ehrmann, Martin Dichgans
Date Published: 16th Jul 2024
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. Schmidt, B. Hrupka, F. van Bebber, S. Sunil Kumar, X. Feng, S. K. Tschirner, M. Assfalg, S. A. Muller, L. S. Hilger, L. I. Hofmann, M. Pigoni, G. Jocher, I. Voytyuk, E. L. Self, M. Ito, K. Hyakkoku, A. Yoshimura, N. Horiguchi, R. Feederle, B. De Strooper, S. Schulte-Merker, E. Lammert, D. Moechars, B. Schmid, S. F. Lichtenthaler
Date Published: 18th Jun 2024
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 38888964
Citation: J Clin Invest. 2024 Jun 18:e170550. doi: 10.1172/JCI170550.