Parkinson's disease motor symptoms rescue by CRISPRa-reprogramming astrocytes into GABAergic neurons.


Direct reprogramming based on genetic factors resembles a promising strategy to replace lost cells in degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. For this, we developed a knock-in mouse line carrying a dual dCas9 transactivator system (dCAM) allowing the conditional in vivo activation of endogenous genes. To enable a translational application, we additionally established an AAV-based strategy carrying intein-split-dCas9 in combination with activators (AAV-dCAS). Both approaches were successful in reprogramming striatal astrocytes into induced GABAergic neurons confirmed by single-cell transcriptome analysis of reprogrammed neurons in vivo. These GABAergic neurons functionally integrate into striatal circuits, alleviating voluntary motor behavior aspects in a 6-OHDA Parkinson's disease model. Our results suggest a novel intervention strategy beyond the restoration of dopamine levels. Thus, the AAV-dCAS approach might enable an alternative route for clinical therapies of Parkinson's disease.


PubMed ID: 35373464

DOI: 10.15252/emmm.202114797

Projects: SyNergy: Published Datasets

Publication type: Journal

Journal: EMBO molecular medicine

Citation: EMBO molecular medicine,14(5):e14797

Date Published: 9th May 2022


Registered Mode: manually

Authors: Jessica Giehrl-Schwab, Florian Giesert, Benedict Rauser, Chu Lan Lao, Sina Hembach, Sandrine Lefort, Ignacio L Ibarra, Christina Koupourtidou, Malte Daniel Luecken, Dong-Jiunn Jeffery Truong, Judith Fischer-Sternjak, Giacomo Masserdotti, Nilima Prakash, Jovica Ninkovic, Sabine M Hölter, Daniela M Vogt Weisenhorn, Fabian J Theis, Magdalena Götz, Wolfgang Wurst

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Giehrl‐Schwab, J., Giesert, F., Rauser, B., Lao, C. L., Hembach, S., Lefort, S., Ibarra, I. L., Koupourtidou, C., Luecken, M. D., Truong, D. J. J., Fischer‐Sternjak, J., Masserdotti, G., Prakash, N., Ninkovic, J., Hölter, S. M., Vogt Weisenhorn, D. M., Theis, F. J., Götz, M., & Wurst, W. (2022). Parkinson's disease motor symptoms rescue by CRISPRa‐reprogramming astrocytes into GABAergic neurons. In EMBO Molecular Medicine (Vol. 14, Issue 5). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

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Created: 14th Oct 2024 at 15:16

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