Data files

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140 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 180

Single cell transcriptomics of all cells of the intact and injured mouse cerebral cortex at 3 and 5 days post injury (dpi), in control condition and upon inhibition of the Tlr1/2 and Cxcr3 pathways.

Diencephalic astrocytes from 3 months old Aldh1l1-eGFP mice were ACSA2 MACS sorted and processed using Single Cell Reagent Kits V2 from 10x Genomics (scRNA-seq).

Diencephalic astrocytes from 3 months old Aldh1l1-eGFP mice were ACSA2 MACS sorted and processed using Single Cell 3’ Reagent Kits V2 from 10x Genomics (scRNA-seq).

Whole genome RNA-Seq analysis of translated mRNA in astrocytes from diencephalon and cortical grey matter of Ribotag * GlastCreERT2 * Rpl22HH adult mice of both sexes.

MACS-sorted astrocytes, obtained from postnatal mouse spinalc cord, were transduced in vitro with Ascl1 and Neurog2. Reprogrammed cells were analyzed by electrophysiology ar 3-to-4 weeks, and then single cells were collected and subjected to SmartSeq2 amplification

MACS-sorted astrocytes, obtained from postnatal mouse spinal cord, were transduced in vitro with Ascl1 and Neurog2. Reprogrammed cells were collected from the coverslips by suction and subjected to SmartSeq2 amplification

Purpose of the study is to compare the transcriptional profiles of astrocytes obtained from cortex gray matter and spinal cord of postnatal mice. Astrocytes were isolated from 2 regions via ACSA-2 sorting, cultured for 7 days and then subjected to RNA-seq

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