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ARC tissue derived from C57BL/6JRj mice fed with SC diet (control), 5 days of HFHS (58%) diet, and 15 days of HFHS (58%) diet was dissociated by enzymatic digestion into single cells, which were then analyzed by scRNA-Seq. Per each experimental group, the ARCs from 6 animals were pulled into one sample.

C57BL/6JRj mice were exposed to a SC or a HFHS (58%) diet at 8-9 weeks of age for 4 months. Afterwards, hypothalami, hippocampi, and half cortices derived from 2 animals were isolated and pooled together in distinct tubes. A number of 5-7 replicates per each group was used. ACSA2+ astrocytes were isolated from each sample by magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), and further processed for RNA-Sequencing analysis.

A single-cell RNA sequencing experiment was conducted using 10x Genomics technology on samples from three distinct groups, which included six bones, meninges, and the brain. The study comprised three groups: those that underwent MCAo surgery, those that underwent sham surgery, and a group of naive animals. Each sample consisted of cells pooled from three animals, with a total of 32 samples utilized. The MCAo surgery group contributed 2 samples, each consisting of cells pooled from 3 different ...

Sample preparation for proteomics analysis was performed as described previously with slight modifications. Briefly, for mouse samples, SDC lysis buffer (2% SDC, 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.5) was used to lyse the cell pellets at 95°C for 45 min at 600 rpm in a thermoshaker. For human samples which were fixed in PFA, prior to the SDC lysis buffer step, the samples were first resuspended in 6% SDS buffer, heat denatured, sonicated and then precipitated using 80% acetone overnight in -20°C. Next day, these ...

After respective treatment, cells were washed 2 times with ice-cold DPBS, scraped in PBS and pellets either processed immediately or stored at -80°C. Cells were lysed in RIPA buffer for 30 min on ice. After clearance by centrifugation at 20,000 × g for 10 min at 4 °C, protein concentrations were adjusted using BCA assay. Cleared and adjusted supernatants were incubated overnight on an overhead rotator with preequilibrated streptavidin agarose (Sigma). Next day, beads were washed 2 times with RIPA ...

Tryptic in solution digestion of the purified myelin fraction was performed according to the filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) protocol (Erwig et al., 2019) originally described by Manza et al., 2005; followed by LC-MS-analysis. In brief, purified myelin fractions corresponding to 10 µg myelin protein were dissolved and lysed in lysis buffer (1% ASB-14, 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea. 10 mM DTT 0.1 M Tris pH 8.5). Homogenised samples were diluted with lysis buffer containing 2% CHAPS to reduce ASB-14 ...

The dataset contains FASTQ files referring to the study "Small RNA sequencing from CSF extracellular vesicles - PD/CTR". For this project, RNA was isolated from CSF extracellular vesicles obtained by ultracentrifugation. Libraries were prepared with the TruSeq Small RNA library prep Illumina, and sequencing conducted in the Illumina HiSeq4000.

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