Data files

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9 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 9

After demyelinating injury of the central nervous system, resolution of the mounting acute innate inflammation is crucial for the initiation of a regenerative response. To identify factors in lesion recovery after demyelination injury, we used a toxin-induced model, in which a single dose of lysolecithin is injected into the corpus callosum to induce a focal demyelinating lesion. Afterwards, we investigated the proteome of demyelinating lesions at different time points post injection (dpi) in a ...

Grey and white matter (corpus callosum) were dissected from the brain of 4 months and 21 months old wild type mice, single cell suspension was isolated using Neural Tissue Dissection kit (myelin was removed on percoll gradient) then microglia cells were isolated using CD11b microbeads by Magnetic separation with MS columns (MACS technology).The cell pellets are resuspended in the RLT buffer (100ul-150ul), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in -80 freezer. RNA was extracted and transcriptome ...

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