Brain injury environment critically influences the connectivity of transplanted neurons.


Cell transplantation is a promising approach for the reconstruction of neuronal circuits after brain damage. Transplanted neurons integrate with remarkable specificity into circuitries of the mouse cerebral cortex affected by neuronal ablation. However, it remains unclear how neurons perform in a local environment undergoing reactive gliosis, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and scar formation, as in traumatic brain injury (TBI). To elucidate this, we transplanted cells from the embryonic mouse cerebral cortex into TBI-injured, inflamed-only, or intact cortex of adult mice. Brain-wide quantitative monosynaptic rabies virus (RABV) tracing unraveled graft inputs from correct regions across the brain in all conditions, with pronounced quantitative differences: scarce in intact and inflamed brain versus exuberant after TBI. In the latter, the initial overshoot is followed by pruning, with only a few input neurons persisting at 3 months. Proteomic profiling identifies candidate molecules for regulation of the synaptic yield, a pivotal parameter to tailor for functional restoration of neuronal circuits.


PubMed ID: 35687687

DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg9445

Projects: SyNergy: Published Datasets

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Science advances

Citation: Science advances,8(23):eabg9445

Date Published: 10th Jun 2022


Registered Mode: manually

Authors: Sofia Grade, Judith Thomas, Yvette Zarb, Manja Thorwirth, Karl-Klaus Conzelmann, Stefanie M Hauck, Magdalena Götz

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Grade, S., Thomas, J., Zarb, Y., Thorwirth, M., Conzelmann, K.-K., Hauck, S. M., & Götz, M. (2022). Brain injury environment critically influences the connectivity of transplanted neurons. In Science Advances (Vol. 8, Issue 23). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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Created: 15th Oct 2024 at 13:08

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