ALS-linked loss of Cyclin-F function affects HSP90.


The founding member of the F-box protein family, Cyclin-F, serves as a substrate adaptor for the E3 ligase Skp1-Cul1-F-box (SCF)Cyclin-F which is responsible for ubiquitination of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA damage and mitotic fidelity. Missense mutations in CCNF encoding for Cyclin-F are associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, it remains elusive whether CCNF mutations affect the substrate adaptor function of Cyclin-F and whether altered SCFCyclin-F-mediated ubiquitination contributes to pathogenesis in CCNF mutation carriers. To address these questions, we set out to identify new SCFCyclin-F targets in neuronal and ALS patient-derived cells. Mass spectrometry-based ubiquitinome profiling of CCNF knockout and mutant cell lines as well as Cyclin-F proximity and interaction proteomics converged on the HSP90 chaperone machinery as new substrate candidate. Biochemical analyses provided evidence for a Cyclin-F-dependent association and ubiquitination of HSP90AB1 and implied a regulatory role that could affect the binding of a number of HSP90 clients and co-factors. Together, our results point to a possible Cyclin-F loss-of-function-mediated chaperone dysregulation that might be relevant for ALS.

SEEK ID: http://localhost:3000/publications/41

PubMed ID: 36114006

Projects: SyNergy - published datasets

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Life Sci Alliance

Citation: Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Sep 16;5(12):e202101359. doi: 10.26508/lsa.202101359.

Date Published: 16th Sep 2022

Registered Mode: by PubMed ID

Authors: A. Siebert, V. Gattringer, J. H. Weishaupt, C. Behrends

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