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he ascorbate peroxidase APEX2 is commonly used to study the neighborhood of a protein of interest by proximity-dependent biotinylation. Here, we describe a protocol for sample processing compatible with immunoblotting and mass spectrometry that is suitable to specifically map the content of autophagosomes and potentially other transient vesicles without the need of subcellular fractionation. By combining live-cell biotinylation with proteinase K digestion of cell homogenates, proteins enriched ...

Autophagy is responsible for degradation of an extensive portfolio of cytosolic cargoes that are engulfed in autophagosomes to facilitate their transport to lysosomes. Besides basal autophagy, which constantly degrades cellular material, the pathway is dynamically altered by different conditions, resulting in enhanced autophagosome formation and cargo turnover. The extensive profile of autophagosome content as well as the phospholipid composition of human autophagosome membranes remains elusive. ...

To identify ubiquitylation targets following lysosomal damage in HeLa cells treated with LLOMe we performed quantitative ubiquitin-remmnant (diGly) profilig coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, we performed APEX2-based proximity biotinylation followed by MS analysis to identify proximity partners of one of the ubiquitylation targets (CNN2).

Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) is an underlying feature of diverse conditions including neurodegeneration. Cells respond by extensive ubiquitylation of membrane-associated proteins for clearance of the organelle through lysophagy that is facilitated by the ubiquitin-directed AAA-ATPase VCP/p97. Here, we assessed the ubiquitylated proteome upon acute LMP and uncovered a large diversity of targets and lysophagy regulators. They include calponin-2 (CNN2) that, along with the Arp2/3 complex, ...

The founding member of the F-box protein family, Cyclin F, serves as substrate adaptor for the Ubiquitin E3 ligase Skp1-Cul1-F-box (SCF)Cyclin F which is responsible for ubiquitination of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA damage and mitotic fidelity. Missense mutations in CCNF encoding for Cyclin F are associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, it remains elusive whether CCNF mutations affect the substrate adaptor function of Cyclin F and whether altered SCFCyclin ...

To address whether expression of ALS/FTD-associated UBQLN2 mutant variants changes the cellular proteome, we performed label-free quantification-based global protein abundance profiling of patient-derived LCLs and CRISPR engineered HeLa cells. UBQLN2 mutant in both cell lines carried the mutation T487I or P497S both of which were reported to cause ALS (Deng et al., 2011; Williams et al, 2012). In addition, HeLa cells stably expressing HA-tagged MAP1B (HA-MAP1B) were subjected to HA immunoprecipitation ...

In the project “Phosphoproteomic analysis of UBQLN2 mutant cells” by Laura Strohm, Zehan Hu, Jörn Dengjel, and Christian Behrends eight sets of SILAC experiments were performed, two times four biological replicates, comparing proteome and phosphoproteome of control and UBQLN2 mutant, patient-derived lymphoblasts (LCLs).

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