Data files

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21 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 21

Age-related myelin damage induces inflammatory responses, yet its involvement in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains uncertain, despite age being a major risk factor. Using a mouse model of AD, we found that amyloidosis itself triggers age-related oligodendrocyte and myelin damage. Mechanistically, CD8+ T cells promote the progressive accumulation of abnormally interferon-activated microglia that display myelin-damaging activity. Thus, immune responses against myelinating oligodendrocytes may ...

Axon degeneration and neurological dysfunction in myelin diseases is often attributed to loss of myelin. Perturbed myelinating glia can instigate chronic neuroinflammation and contribute to demyelination and axonal damage. We have previously shown in mice that distinct defects in the proteolipid protein 1 gene result in axonal damage which is largely driven by cytotoxic T cells targeting myelinating oligodendrocytes. Here we show in these mutants that persistent ensheathment with perturbed myelin ...

Current spatial transcriptomics methods provide molecular and spatial information but no morphological readout. Here, we present STEM - a method that correlates multiplexed error-robust FISH with electron microscopy from neighboring tissue sections of the same sample. STEM links transcriptional and spatial organization of single cells with ultrastructural morphology of the tissue in vivo. Using STEM to characterize demyelinated white-matter lesions allowed us to link morphology of myelin-laden ...

A hallmark of nervous system aging is a decline of white matter volume and function, but the underlying mechanisms leading to white matter pathology are unknown. Here, we found age-related alterations of oligodendrocytes with a reduction of total oligodendrocyte density in the aging murine white matter. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we identify interferon-responsive oligodendrocytes, which localize in proximity of CD8+ T cells in the aging white matter. Absence of functional lymphocytes ...

Grey and white matter (corpus callosum) were dissected from the brain of 4 months and 21 months old wild type mice, single cell suspension was isolated using Neural Tissue Dissection kit (myelin was removed on percoll gradient) then microglia cells were isolated using CD11b microbeads by Magnetic separation with MS columns (MACS technology).The cell pellets are resuspended in the RLT buffer (100ul-150ul), snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in -80 freezer. RNA was extracted and transcriptome ...

Aging results in both grey and white matter degeneration, but the specific microglial responses are unknown. Using single-cell RNA sequencing from white and grey matter separately, we identified white matter associated microglia (WAM), which share parts of the disease-associated microglia (DAM) gene signature and are characterized by the activation of genes implicated in phagocytic activity and lipid metabolism. WAM depend on triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) signaling and ...

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