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Heterozygous mutations in the TBK1 gene can cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). The majority of TBK1-ALS/FTD patients carry deleterious loss-of-expression mutations, and it is still unclear which TBK1 function leads to neurodegeneration. We investigated the impact of the pathogenic TBK1 missense variant p.E696K, which does not abolish protein expression, but leads to a selective loss of TBK1 binding to the autophagy adaptor protein and TBK1 substrate optineurin. Using organelle-specific proteomics, we found that in a knock-in mouse model and human iPSC-derived motor neurons, the p.E696K mutation causes presymptomatic onset of autophagolysosomal dysfunction in neurons precipitating the accumulation of damaged lysosomes. This is followed by a progressive, age-dependent motor neuron disease. Contrary to the phenotype of mice with full Tbk1 knock-out, RIPK/TNF-alpha-dependent hepatic, neuronal necroptosis, and overt autoinflammation were not detected. Our in vivo results indicate autophagolysosomal dysfunction as a trigger for neurodegeneration and a promising therapeutic target in TBK1-ALS/FTD.

Authors: D. Brenner, K. Sieverding, J. Srinidhi, S. Zellner, C. Secker, R. Yilmaz, J. Dyckow, S. Amr, A. Ponomarenko, E. Tunaboylu, Y. Douahem, J. S. Schlag, L. Rodriguez Martinez, G. Kislinger, C. Niemann, K. Nalbach, W. P. Ruf, J. Uhl, J. Hollenbeck, L. Schirmer, A. Catanese, C. S. Lobsiger, K. M. Danzer, D. Yilmazer-Hanke, C. Munch, P. Koch, A. Freischmidt, M. Fetting, C. Behrends, R. Parlato, J. H. Weishaupt

Date Published: 6th May 2024

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

The constitutive photomorphogenesis 9 (COP9) signalosome (CSN) is a deNEDDylase controlling ubiquitination activity of cullin-RING-E3 ligases (CRLs) and thus the levels of key cellular proteins. While the CSN and its catalytic subunit CSN5 have been extensively studied in cancer, its role in inflammatory and neurological diseases is less understood. Following verification that CSN5 is expressed in mouse and human brain, here we studied the role of the CSN in neuroinflammation and ischemic neuronal damage employing models of relevant brain-resident cell types, an ex vivo organotypic brain slice culture model, and the CRL NEDDylation state-modifying drugs MLN4924 and CSN5i-3, which mimic and inhibit, respectively, CSN5 deNEDDylase activity. Untargeted mass spectrometry-based proteomics revealed that MLN4924 and CSN5i-3 substantially alter the microglial proteome, including inflammation-related proteins. Applying these drugs and mimicking microglial and endothelial inflammation as well as ischemic neuronal stress by TNF and oxygen-glucose-deprivation/reoxygenation (OGD/RO) treatment, respectively, we could link CSN5/CSN-mediated cullin deNEDDylation to reduction of microglial inflammation, attenuated cerebral endothelial inflammation, improved barrier integrity, as well as protection from ischemic stress-induced neuronal cell death. Specifically, MLN4924 reduced phagocytic activity, motility, and inflammatory cytokine expression of microglial cells, and this was linked to inhibition of inflammation-induced NF-kappaB and Akt signaling. Inversely, Csn5 knockdown and CSN5i-3 increased NF-kappaB signaling. Moreover, MLN4924 abrogated TNF-induced NF-kappaB signaling in cerebral microvascular endothelial cells (hCMECs) and rescued hCMEC monolayers from OGD/RO-triggered barrier leakage, while CSN5i-3 exacerbated permeability. In an ex vivo organotypic brain slice model of ischemia/reperfusion stress, MLN4924 protected from neuronal death, while CSN5i-3 impaired neuronal survival. Neuronal damage was attributable to microglial activation and inflammatory cytokines, as indicated by microglial shape tracking and TNF-blocking experiments. Our results indicate a protective role of the CSN in neuroinflammation via brain-resident cell types involved in ischemic brain disease and implicate CSN activity-mimicking deNEDDylating drugs as potential therapeutics.

Authors: Y. Tian, J. Milic, L. S. Monasor, R. Chakraborty, S. Wang, Y. Yuan, Y. Asare, C. Behrends, S. Tahirovic, J. Bernhagen

Date Published: 19th Aug 2023

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Hexanucleotide repeat expansions within C9orf72 are a frequent cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. Haploinsufficiency leading to reduced C9orf72 protein contributes to disease pathogenesis. C9orf72 binds SMCR8 to form a robust complex that regulates small GTPases, lysosomal integrity, and autophagy. In contrast to this functional understanding, we know far less about the assembly and turnover of the C9orf72-SMCR8 complex. Loss of either subunit causes the concurrent ablation of the respective partner. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this interdependence remains elusive. Here, we identify C9orf72 as a substrate of branched ubiquitin chain-dependent protein quality control. We find that SMCR8 prevents C9orf72 from rapid degradation by the proteasome. Mass spectrometry and biochemical analyses reveal the E3 ligase UBR5 and the BAG6 chaperone complex as C9orf72-interacting proteins, which are components of the machinery that modifies proteins with K11/K48-linked heterotypic ubiquitin chains. Depletion of UBR5 results in reduced K11/K48 ubiquitination and increased C9orf72 when SMCR8 is absent. Our data provide novel insights into C9orf72 regulation with potential implication for strategies to antagonize C9orf72 loss during disease progression.

Authors: J. Julg, D. Edbauer, C. Behrends

Date Published: 3rd Aug 2023

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy 9 (HSAN9) is a rare fatal neurological disease caused by mis- and nonsense mutations in the gene encoding for Tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing protein 2 (TECPR2). While TECPR2 is required for lysosomal consumption of autophagosomes and ER-to-Golgi transport, it remains elusive how exactly TECPR2 is involved in autophagy and secretion and what downstream sequels arise from defective TECPR2 due to its involvement in these processes. To address these questions, we determine molecular consequences of TECPR2 deficiency along the secretory pathway. By employing spatial proteomics, we describe pronounced changes with numerous proteins important for neuronal function being affected in their intracellular transport. Moreover, we provide evidence that TECPR2's interaction with the early secretory pathway is not restricted to COPII carriers. Collectively, our systematic profiling of a HSAN9 cell model points to specific trafficking and sorting defects which might precede autophagy dysfunction upon TECPR2 deficiency.

Authors: K. Nalbach, M. Schifferer, D. Bhattacharya, H. Ho-Xuan, W. C. Tseng, L. A. Williams, A. Stolz, S. F. Lichtenthaler, Z. Elazar, C. Behrends

Date Published: 16th Feb 2023

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Autophagy is responsible for clearance of an extensive portfolio of cargoes, which are sequestered into vesicles, called autophagosomes, and are delivered to lysosomes for degradation. The pathway is highly dynamic and responsive to several stress conditions. However, the phospholipid composition and protein contents of human autophagosomes under changing autophagy rates are elusive so far. Here, we introduce an antibody-based FACS-mediated approach for the isolation of native autophagic vesicles and ensured the quality of the preparations. Employing quantitative lipidomics, we analyze phospholipids present within human autophagic vesicles purified upon basal autophagy, starvation, and proteasome inhibition. Importantly, besides phosphoglycerides, we identify sphingomyelin within autophagic vesicles and show that the phospholipid composition is unaffected by the different conditions. Employing quantitative proteomics, we obtain cargo profiles of autophagic vesicles isolated upon the different treatment paradigms. Interestingly, starvation shows only subtle effects, while proteasome inhibition results in the enhanced presence of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway factors within autophagic vesicles. Thus, here we present a powerful method for the isolation of native autophagic vesicles, which enabled profound phospholipid and cargo analyses.

Authors: D. Schmitt, S. Bozkurt, P. Henning-Domres, H. Huesmann, S. Eimer, L. Bindila, C. Behrends, E. Boyle, F. Wilfling, G. Tascher, C. Munch, C. Behl, A. Kern

Date Published: 6th Dec 2022

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

The founding member of the F-box protein family, Cyclin-F, serves as a substrate adaptor for the E3 ligase Skp1-Cul1-F-box (SCF)<sup>Cyclin-F</sup> which is responsible for ubiquitination of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, DNA damage and mitotic fidelity. Missense mutations in <i>CCNF</i> encoding for Cyclin-F are associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). However, it remains elusive whether <i>CCNF</i> mutations affect the substrate adaptor function of Cyclin-F and whether altered SCF<sup>Cyclin-F</sup>-mediated ubiquitination contributes to pathogenesis in <i>CCNF</i> mutation carriers. To address these questions, we set out to identify new SCF<sup>Cyclin-F</sup> targets in neuronal and ALS patient-derived cells. Mass spectrometry-based ubiquitinome profiling of <i>CCNF</i> knockout and mutant cell lines as well as Cyclin-F proximity and interaction proteomics converged on the HSP90 chaperone machinery as new substrate candidate. Biochemical analyses provided evidence for a Cyclin-F-dependent association and ubiquitination of HSP90AB1 and implied a regulatory role that could affect the binding of a number of HSP90 clients and co-factors. Together, our results point to a possible Cyclin-F loss-of-function-mediated chaperone dysregulation that might be relevant for ALS.

Authors: A. Siebert, V. Gattringer, J. H. Weishaupt, C. Behrends

Date Published: 16th Sep 2022

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

CD4+ T cells are pivotal cells playing roles in the orchestration of humoral and cytotoxic immune responses. It is known that CD4+ T cell proliferation relies on autophagy, but identification of the autophagosomal cargo involved is missing. Here we create a transgenic mouse model, to enable direct mapping of the proteinaceous content of autophagosomes in primary cells by LC3 proximity labelling. Interleukin-7 receptor-alpha, a cytokine receptor mostly found in naive and memory T cells, is reproducibly detected in autophagosomes of activated CD4+ T cells. Consistently, CD4+ T cells lacking autophagy show increased interleukin-7 receptor-alpha surface expression, while no defect in internalisation is observed. Mechanistically, excessive surface interleukin-7 receptor-alpha sequestrates the common gamma chain, impairing the interleukin-2 receptor assembly and downstream signalling crucial for T cell proliferation. This study shows that key autophagy substrates can be reliably identified in this mouse model and help mechanistically unravel autophagy's contribution to healthy physiology and disease.

Authors: D. Zhou, M. Borsa, D. J. Puleston, S. Zellner, J. Capera, S. Sanderson, M. Schifferer, S. S. Hester, X. Ge, R. Fischer, L. Jostins, C. Behrends, G. Alsaleh, A. K. Simon

Date Published: 2nd Sep 2022

Publication Type: Journal

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