Data files

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To identify ubiquitylation targets following lysosomal damage in HeLa cells treated with LLOMe we performed quantitative ubiquitin-remmnant (diGly) profilig coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, we performed APEX2-based proximity biotinylation followed by MS analysis to identify proximity partners of one of the ubiquitylation targets (CNN2).

Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) is an underlying feature of diverse conditions including neurodegeneration. Cells respond by extensive ubiquitylation of membrane-associated proteins for clearance of the organelle through lysophagy that is facilitated by the ubiquitin-directed AAA-ATPase VCP/p97. Here, we assessed the ubiquitylated proteome upon acute LMP and uncovered a large diversity of targets and lysophagy regulators. They include calponin-2 (CNN2) that, along with the Arp2/3 complex, ...

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