Data files

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3 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 3

pAstros were transduced with control or Ngn2-expressing retrovirus. 2DPT, media was replaced with differentiation media in absence of presence of AMG; 20DPT, DsRed-positive cells were sorted, barcoded with CMOs and analyzed by scRNAseq via 10XGenomics platform.

pAstros were transduced with control or Ngn2-expressing retrovirus. 2DPT, media was replaced with differentiation media in absence of presence of AMG; 5DPT, DsRed-positive cells were sorted, barcoded with CMOs and analyzed by scRNAseq via 10XGenomics platform

Human IPSCs from control or patients with NDUFS4 mutations were differentiated into proliferating and non-proliferating astrocytes. Three control and 3 patients lines were analyzed. Per each line, 3 biological replicates were collected at 3 stages: IPSC, proliferating astrocyte and non-proliferating astrocytes.

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